Intimacy Multiplies
Chris Hodges
Intimacy: an essential ingredient for producing other leaders, earning the right to deliver critical feedback, and developing your full potential. Discover a new level of self-awareness when you have the kind of relationship with others that allows them to speak into your blind spots! Find out more about the transformative power of self-awareness in leadership when you pick up a copy of John Maxwell's leadership development guide, The Self-Aware Leader.
What Are You Known For?
Growth starts with some level of awareness. Who are you, and who do you want to become? Spend some time today writing out what you…
Blind Spots
Your expectations shape your actions, and your thoughts shape your expectations. Don’t let negative thoughts keep you from reaching your full potential. And if you…
The Power of an Invitation
Inviting accountability is a sobering thing, but it will transform your self-awareness. Write down 3 names of people you trust, and then see who among…
Remaining Grounded
The bad news: You’re never as great as you are on your best day. The goods news: You’re also never as bad as you are…
Background Beliefs
Don’t let “background beliefs” keep you from fulfilling your full potential or appreciating your progress. Take a few minutes today today to consider some limiting…