5. Get Creative

While imagination gives you options, creativity gives you solutions. Application Imagination helps you understand that there is more than one way to do things. Creativity…

3. ROI’s

Learn how to apply this Pareto Principle about priorities and return on investment. Application The top 20% of your priorities will give you an 80%…

5. Be at the Table

In order to attract leaders, you need to invite them to the leadership table. Hear insights from John on how to attract leaders around you.…

4. When Do I Begin?

Everything worth achieving is an uphill battle. You’ll never reach the top unless you take the first step. Application John explains his personal growth plan.…

3. Just Do It

If you want to be successful, you have to be consistent. Application If you want to be successful, you have to be consistent. How have…

5. Hope Puts You In the Game

John Maxwell shares the difference between having hope and being optimistic, and that you have to have hope to be successful. Hope is the faith…

2. I Hear You

As a leader, the best way to find common ground is by listening. Hear from John Maxwell how to become a better listener and how…

7. What’s Your One Sentence?

To become an authentic leader, you have to teach what you know and what you live. Application John teaches that we all have a purpose…

6. The Secret to Success

If you want to be successful, you have to be consistent. Application How have you seen success when you have been consistent?

7. The Gift is Bigger Than You

As a leader, what do you need to make it to the top? Hear from John Maxwell and Steve Harvey how the gift is bigger…