3. The Crockpot Process

Leadership develops daily – not in a day. You can learn to lead and become better as a leader at every step of your journey.…

6. Problem Solver or Problem Spotter?

Application Problems are inevitable as a leader. But they bring possibilities to know yourself and to learn for the future. Think about a problem you’ve…

1. Do you like what you do?

Reach your dreams by building a solid foundation. Application Put your dream to the test. If you have a dream that has the potential to…

6. The Compounding Journey

Success is a series of steps. Learn more about the compounding journey, the steps to take and which step is the most important. Application Consistency…

4. Relentless Improvement

Consistency is key when you are consistent with the right thing. Application  If you’re consistently doing the wrong thing, you are certain to have bad…

3. Give It Your All

 John interviews race car driver Chase Elliot, who shares the most important thing his legendary father showed him in racing.  Application The number one lesson…

2. Where There is a Will…

Stop thinking there is one way to do something and start believing there are many ways.   Application John teaches that when you find a way,…

4. Curious Never Killed The Cat

If you want to develop curiosity, you need to keep asking questions. Hear from John Maxwell to learn five habits to develop and expand your…

5. What’s My Strategy?

For growth to be maximized, it must be strategic. Learn these four ways to grow your success.   Application Every day, John makes sure he…

7. Growth is a Journey, Not a Destination

Application John’s success and impact compounded through a journey of continual equipping and resourcing. Who are you currently equipping? If there isn’t anyone, who could…