The Heart of Leadership

In this lesson, John is going to share insight into the heart of leadership. One of the crucial distinctions of great leaders is that they…

The Extra Plus in Leadership

In The Extra Plus in Leadership, John will share how you can turn your attitude into an asset. He’ll teach you how to you to…

The Quickest Way to Gain Leadership

This lesson is going to focus on the greatest way to gain leadership, but beware: it’s not as glamorous as it sounds. You see, leadership…

The Foundation of Leadership

In this lesson, John is back with a teaching on the foundation of leadership, and how you can become a leader that others want to…

The Key to Leadership

This week, you’re going to watch the second session from John, which correspond to Chapter Two from his new book, Developing the Leader Within You…

7. Acknowledge Your Mentor

A great mentor teaches from their losses, not their successes. Hear John Maxwell speak on John Wooden’s mentoring impact on his life. Application The impact…

6. Qualities of a Mentor

Being a mentor and growing others requires you to maintain these certain qualities. Application Do you have a mentor? If so, do they exhibit these…

5. Keeps You In Your Strengths

Having creative people on your team is necessary, but learning how to develop them requires an intentional process. Application If you have creatives on your…