7. Acknowledge Your Mentor

A great mentor teaches from their losses, not their successes. Hear John Maxwell speak on John Wooden’s mentoring impact on his life. Application The impact…

6. Qualities of a Mentor

Being a mentor and growing others requires you to maintain these certain qualities. Application Do you have a mentor? If so, do they exhibit these…

5. Keeps You In Your Strengths

Having creative people on your team is necessary, but learning how to develop them requires an intentional process. Application If you have creatives on your…

4. Can They Turn the Light On?

Transformation is a yes conversation. It’s a turn the light on conversation. Hear from John Maxwell how to cast the transformation vision to others and…

3. Types Of Authority

There are a lot of different types of authority – natural, positional, knowledge, etc. Learn from John Maxwell the different types of authority and how…

1. The Values Check

Values are inward principles that guide our decisions and our behaviors. When values are good, they bring benefits to yourself and others. Application Have you…

7. Do For One…

Do for one what you wish you could do for all. Don’t let the fear of not making a big difference prevent you from making…

6. Motivation Changes Everything

Staying motivated after success is key to creating a legacy as a leader. Hear from former college and NFL football coach, Urban Meyer, on how…

5. Culture Carriers

As leaders, we carry the culture first, but then we need others to carry it where we cannot go. Hear from John Maxwell, Don Yaeger,…
