4. Everyone Has Something To Contribute

There is great strength in diversity and differences. Learn from John Maxwell how different people & viewpoints can bring people together to make a powerful,…

3. Growth Changes Everything

If you are going to grow you have to be intentional. Growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow is going to get better. Application Ask…

2. Values Guide Your Actions

Values are inward principles that guide our decisions and our behaviors. When values are good, they bring benefits to yourself and others. Application Have you…

7. Keep Moving Forward

There is no journey to success, but there is a success journey. There are no definite steps to success, but instead a success journey. Application…

6. The Uphill Journey

While life can be an uphill journey, there are things you can do every day to improve: read, think, write, and ask questions. Hear from…

5. Get Creative

While imagination gives you options, creativity gives you solutions. Application Imagination helps you understand that there is more than one way to do things. Creativity…

4. Why or Why not?

Having a sense of curiosity is a key component of growing in your creativity.  Application John explains to us what the curiosity edge is. He…

3. The Importance of a Win

One of the keys to being successful is to be prepared. When you get ahead of the game, you get a win. Application One of…

2. Encourage Courage

John Maxwell teaches how to make the shift from maintaining to creating, to get us to places we have never been. Application When you start…
