6. Stay in Your Lane

Can you do what you would like to do? John Maxwell teaches us that we can be successful at things we are good at, but…

5. Why & Will

Self-discipline is most easily developed in areas of passion and consistency. When you are doing your “why” you have a “will.” A lack of self-discipline…

4. When Do I Begin?

Everything worth achieving is an uphill battle. You’ll never reach the top unless you take the first step. Application John explains his personal growth plan.…

3. Just Do It

If you want to be successful, you have to be consistent. Application If you want to be successful, you have to be consistent. How have…

2. Disciplines Trump Motivation

Being consistent is similar to investing; it takes time and patience to see the return. Application John explains what he does consistently every day –…

1. Know Yourself

Motivating leaders is encouraging them to do their very best. But how do you motivate people? John Maxwell details how he encourages those to reach…

6. Stay Sharp

Steve Harvey and John Maxwell teach us that in order to be a great communicator, you have to surround yourself and learn from those who…

7. Anyone Can Be Good…. Once

Being good once is not good enough. You must be consistent in order to establish a solid reputation.  Application Consistency establishes your reputation. Anybody can…

6. Walk the Walk

We can either talk our way as a leader, or we can talk our way. It is not enough to talk the talk, you must…