6. Stay Sharp

Steve Harvey and John Maxwell teach us that in order to be a great communicator, you have to surround yourself and learn from those who…

7. Anyone Can Be Good…. Once

Being good once is not good enough. You must be consistent in order to establish a solid reputation.  Application Consistency establishes your reputation. Anybody can…

6. Walk the Walk

We can either talk our way as a leader, or we can talk our way. It is not enough to talk the talk, you must…

5. Hope Puts You In the Game

John Maxwell shares the difference between having hope and being optimistic, and that you have to have hope to be successful. Hope is the faith…

5. Communication Mistakes

What are some of the major communication mistakes? Learn from Steve Harvey and John Maxwell about common errors & how to become a better communicator.…

4. It’s Not About You

Managing egos is recognizing that you are stronger together. You need to have a relationship, a culture that you do it together.  Application Managing egos…

4. This Should Be Fun

Hear from John and Steve Harvey on the difference between having fun and being funny. Application There is a difference between having fun and being…

3. Shared Perspective

When you work together in teams, you have to implement shared thinking. Hear from John Maxwell and Steve Harvey why a communication team is important…

1. Staying Real

To become an authentic leader, you have to teach what you know and what you live.  Application Being authentic is a key characteristic of a…
