1. 1 is too small a number

As the challenge escalates, the need for teamwork elevates. It’s not just about us as leaders, it’s about the people around us.  Application John explains…

5. The Law of Environment

What if you’re ready to grow but the environment around you is sucking the life out of you? This week’s lesson on the Law of…

4. The Law of Consistency

How do you set yourself up to grow for a lifetime? Consistency. Consistency will compound all of your efforts and persistence. All of the blood,…

3. The Law of the Mirror

On average, we check our image in a mirror eight to ten times per day. Why? Because how we see ourselves is important to us.…

6. Level 5

The final level, Level 5, the Pinnacle is based on respect. People follow you because of who you are and what you represent. Application

5. Level 4 

Level 4, the People Development phase. People follow you because of what you have done for them. Application

3. Level 2

The Permission level is built on relationships. People follow you because they WANT to. Application

2. Level 1

We all start here. This is the greatest learning period in a leader’s journey. At the Position level, you can learn, practice, and experiment. John…

1. Leading Yourself

The first law in “The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership” is the Law of the Lid which basically says “how well you lead is how…
