2. The Law of Awareness

Do you have a firm grasp on who you are? Before you laugh off the question, think about it. What are you great at? What…

7. Balancing Hope and Hard

Hope without hard – there is no tenacity. Hard without hope – there is no energy. Learn from John Maxwell how to balance between those…

6. The Compounding Journey

Success is a series of steps. Learn more about the compounding journey, the steps to take and which step is the most important. Application Consistency…

5. Real Life

How do you define a crisis? A crisis is a detour. Hear from John Maxwell how to make the best of your detour tour and…

4. Relentless Improvement

Consistency is key when you are consistent with the right thing. Application  If you’re consistently doing the wrong thing, you are certain to have bad…

1. The Joy of the Journey

Failure and success go hand in hand. Learn how to turn difficult times into success… and why you should never quit. Application John teaches that…

7. The YES Conversation

Transformation is a yes conversation. It’s a turn the light on conversation. Hear from John Maxwell how to cast the transformation vision to others and…

6. Are You In The Right Room?

Invest time with people who inspire you and who are more successful than you. Application Invest your time with people who inspire you and who…

5. More and Before

 Leaders have two things in common: they see more than others see, and they see before others see.  Application John explains that leaders have two…

4. Curious Never Killed The Cat

If you want to develop curiosity, you need to keep asking questions. Hear from John Maxwell to learn five habits to develop and expand your…
