1. The Crockpot Process

You can learn to lead and become better as a leader at every step of your journey. Hear from John Maxwell more about the leadership…

3. Would You Follow You?

It is impossible to grow without changing. Every growth level calls for a new level of change. Application Growing requires change, but change is what…

2. Progress is Everything

If you want to expand your leadership and influence, you must commit to always being in progress. Application A life spent pursuing growth is a…

1. Growth Gaps

You don’t go into an opportunity, you grow into an opportunity. Don’t let gaps keep you from growing. Application Opportunities come when you’ve grown enough…

7. Ask Great Questions

Good leaders ask great questions. Instead of directing, lead by asking questions. Learn from John Maxwell how his leadership style changed over the years and…

6. Law of Attraction

In order to attract leaders, you need to invite them to the leadership table. Hear insights from John on how to attract leaders around you.…

7. Fail Forward

Failure and success go hand in hand. Learn how to turn difficult times into success and why you should never quit. Application Failure and success…

5. Connect with Humor

Learn from Steve Harvey and John Maxwell how to adjust your communication style and delivery based on your audience. Application The first rule of connection…

4. Find Your Voice

The best version of you finds your voice. There are four voices that each of us have and communicate with. Hear from Jeff Henderson what…

6. Run Uphill

What is the key to finding your purpose? You need to turn downhill habits into uphill habits. John Maxwell details negative vs. positive habits and…
