1. Growth Gaps

You don’t go into an opportunity, you grow into an opportunity. Don’t let gaps keep you from growing. Application Opportunities come when you’ve grown enough…

4. Find Your Voice

The best version of you finds your voice. There are four voices that each of us have and communicate with. Hear from Jeff Henderson what…

2. The Story You Tell Yourself

The most important conversation you have every day is the one with yourself. Your self-talk either builds you up or tears you down. Application Take…

5. The Serving Question

Learn to ask yourself these key questions in order to serve others better and grow your influence.    Application What can you do to serve other…

4. Self Image

Consistency is key when you are consistent with the right thing. Application If you’re consistently doing the wrong thing, you are certain to have bad…

5. It’s The Small Things

Learn to ask yourself these key questions in order to serve others better and grow your influence.  Application John gives us 3 questions he asks…

3. Relate

How do you connect with people? Find something relatable to your audience. Hear from Steve Harvey and John Maxwell how to read people during a…

2. Be Prepared

What do I feel and what do I know? Learn from John Maxwell and Steve Harvey how to be prepared as a leader and why…